A happy Easter and some more
We had a very nice easter with Mette and Paal. And Lukas loved that there were more people around that played and cuddled with him.
This week Lukas and Iwent to Granada to visit Monica and Max. Granada is the place that made me fall in love in Spain and kind of where everything started in 1995. So we closed a circle there. And the journey continues. On monday the 1st our little family is leaving for Morocco for 10 days!
4 months!
Lukas is as always a very happy baby, and now he has developed flirting skils as well. We have had two nice visits. First Hanne and Lasse (the one holding Lukas) and then Mette and Pål. It's fun to see how Lukas grows in a social environment. He love's to smile and watch people smile back. And he is very alert and try to copy faces and sounds. It's very entertaining.
The other day he had roled from his back to his stomach!
Lukas is a easy baby to bring around so we travel a bit along the coast and have started to climb againg.
Las week we went to a 4 month check. He weighs 6700 gram and is 63 cm. Still on the middle of the charts.
Happy easter to everybody, love Lukas, Steve and Marit