Hola y olè

The family went to Ronda and visited the region of the bandits and bullfighters. A beautiful, suprisingly big city in the mountains of Andalucia.
Lukas still has very blue eyes!

He now eats a banana for supper and it looks like it helps him sleep through the night. He has a good "go-to-bed-routine". Happy, a bit drowsy, bed-time-song and bam! straight to sleep!
Visit to Tarifa

Turid and I visited Steve, Marit and Lukas May 13-18 . We stayed in the house they rent in the old city of Tarifa, a very charming house that has bee renovated by Steve. Here we see a picture from the kitchen

Lukas has grown so much since we saw him 2,5 month ago. He has turned into at little boy with a lot of expressions and sounds. He knows what he wants and tells us clearly when he is dissatisfied, but most of the time he is smiling and enjoying the world. We gave him a blanket to lay on with toys and things to play with.

Lukas prefers to lay on his back, but when he gets on his stomach and can lift his head he is very proud.

Marit, Turid, Lukas and I travelled one day to Cadiz, an old Spanish town west of Tarifa. Here we spent a whole day visiting the old chuch, walking in the old town, having lunch and ended all off with a visit to a very nice park. Lukas enjoyed being out in the park, and here he proudly poses for the photograher.

One of the days we went on a hike to the highest point west of Tarifa. We had bought bread, ham and cheese and had a good lunch in the shadows (a warm day).

We celebrated Matit's birthday May 17 (which actually is Norway's National day) in a restaurant in Tarifa.
We left at noon on May 18 and drove up to Granada for the 2 last days of our trip. A very interes
ting town with Alhambra, Cathedral and Town.
Morocco and 5 months birthday

Before heading for Morocco we spend a lovely day with my good friend Monica and her wonderful son Max.
Morocco turned out to be a very enjoyable country to travel with a baby. Morocons love babies and kissing them means good luck. So Lukas was kissed and admired were ever we went and a door-opener into a very different and exotic culture. He went from arm to arm and really loved it. The only time it became it a bit to much was when Lukas and me were waiting for Steve outside the Hassan II mosque in Casablanca and school finished. 300 pupils came out and everyone wanted to kiss him and then touch my hair. After the 100th kiss or so we had to flea into the mosque.


little car fuctioned well and yook us everywhere, even up to the High Atlas were we did som nice walks.

Marrakesh was super-interesting and and eldorado for shopaholics like myself.

After longs days father and son stretched out on bed, consumating all impreesions. We also went to Essouira, Oulida and Rabat.

The 9th of may we celebrated Lukas's 5th month of life. Still wonderful :-)
Easter 2006

Hello Spain.
Finally I understood how to upload the photos.
Thank you so much for a beautiful week in Tarifa. Lukas charmed us from the first second, and we do miss him. We had a really nice time togheter with Marit and Steve.

The flat is very nice renovated. Good job, Steve, you really have an eye for detalis.
Thank you both for your hospitality and we are looking forward too see you all in the summer. Hopefully we have been able to rent a nice summer cottage where we can have some good barbeques.

Lots of love , Pål and Mette.