Saturday, June 17, 2006

Bill & Judy's visit to Tarifa

What a wonderful visit! We swam in the sea, enjoyed the sun, walked with Lukas on every street in Tarifa, partied at friend, Juan's, house, we were introduced to rock climbing as spectators, ate wonderful food, relaxed, and most of all enjoyed being with Steven, Marit, and Lukas. Lukas is Mr. Personality Plus. He put a smile on our faces the entire time.

Grandma and Grandpa + 6 months!

We had a wonderful visit from New Jersey and Lukas crossed several milestones with the help from his Grandparents. He did his first roll-over from stomach to back. But after Judy and Bill left he forgot! And then he switched and now roll from back to stomach.

This week we went to the 6 month check-up. 7455 gram and 68 cm long. Normal healthy progress. He now enjoys; banana, porridge, avacoado and carrots. And he has two new teeth to help chewing.
Friday the 23rd we are leaving for Norway!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Hello bestemor and bestefar

I am so happy you came to visit me :-)