Sunday, April 22, 2007

Lukas in the garden

Turid and I have have enjoyed Lukas company the last weekends while Steve and Marit have been working on their new apartment. We have had good weather so we have spent most of the time in the garden.

In is fun to watch Lukas. He seems to enjoy being outdoor, and likes running around. He learns fast and we understand him well, although he does not speak much yet. He especially likes to climb stairs and to investigate everything that is new.

Enclosed a few picture of him working in the garden and having lunch on the terrace.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lucky Luki has seen his new apartment this weekend

After Steve and me have done some painting and fixing up, Lukas will finally enjoy his own bedroom!

Happy Easter!

Lukas celebrated Easter 2007 on a small island in the Oslofjord. We were invited by our good friends Thomas and Susann and enjoyed easterlamb, fishing, sun and watching Lukas running happily around in constant thrill over he world he is discovering!

Lukas expanded his vocabulary this easter and "melk" (milk), mamma (both me and Steve are mamma), mat and banan are his new words. Well I guess that summarises pretty much his universe :-).