Saturday, May 19, 2007

Visit by Judy and Bill

Judy and Bill came to Oslo on May 15 to see Lukas an celebrate Norways and Marit's birthday on May 17. They stayed in Steve and Marit's new appartment on Lindern.

I met them on Aker Brygge for lunch on May 16 followed by a sightseeing trip on the Oslofjord. On May 17 they started with a breakfast with Lene and Anna in the garden at Lindern before they went downtown to see the May 17 parade. They went on to visit Marianne and some other friends of Steve and Marit before they ended up for dinner at our house. They have been lucky with the weather in Oslo, no rain at all and quite a lot of sunshine.

When they left for Bergen in the morning May 18 it was raining. It should gradually clear up so hopefully they will be able to enjoy the scenery of the Westcoast and their planned "Norway in a nutshell" trip.