Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Eve

Mette, Pål and Lea had invited the family for Christmas Eve. Marit, Steve, Lukas, oldemor Ingrid, farfar Tore , mormor Lene, Lenes friend Dag, bestemor Turid og bestefar Anders. We had "pinnekjøtt" with "kålrabistappe" and "mandelpoteter" and blackberris with ice as dessert. We were visited by Santa Claus, and both kids were very sceptical in the begginning, especially Lukas. But after they had got a lot of presents Santa was accepted, and he got a good hug before he left. A very pleasant Christmas Eve.
For more pictures look at Leablog.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas

We wish everybody a wonderful christmas and our thoughts goes especially to New Jersey and Vermont. We miss you all!

Last week we were in Egypt, Sharm-el-Sheik. A pleasant and enjoyable week in the sun. Lukas loved being in water and was very proud when he rode a camel.

The egyptians were really nice especially to Lukas. Everyone played with him and he soaked up all the attention. For us parents it made the trip even more relaxing although we also enjoyed very much playing in the ocean and the sun with him. The only problem occurred one day we went on a diving-trip. Lukas got really sea-sick and did not enjoy that boat-ride! But the diving was spetacular!

Last year in NJ Lukas was very afraid of Santa Claus, he still doesn't trust the guy and likes to keep his distance. Although this year he understands present and cookies! Steve and Lukas went out in the woods and chopped down a mini-christmas three. We decorated it with homemade gingerbread men and camels. The next morning only the heads in the red ribbon was left because Lukas had ate them all!

Take care and kisses from Norway!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Lukas 2 year

Since Steve, Marit and Lukas are leaving for Egypt des. 8, we were invited to celebrate Lukas 2 year birthday last Saturday. Lukas got a lot of presents, also from his American grandparents. We took many pictures, and as can be seen Lukas really enjoyed the gifts he got. With Lea being one of the guests, we had some small quarrels on who should play with the gifts, but Lukas showed who was the boss this day, and it ended up with them playing peacefully together.

After an excellent lunch we had coffe, tea and a good oldfashioned "bløtkake" with strawberries, and Lukas managed to blow out the 2 lights on the cake.