Thursday, November 09, 2006

Lukas 11 months

Our little boy woke up to day with his normal big smile. And as always these days very eager to discover the world. Up and down on his feet, still not ready to walk, but very close. Taking objects in and out of everything. And he has started coming with books and love being read to, for about two minutes. Then back to exploring, crawling and giggeling!

A bit late due to internet problems I here proudly show of Lea! The cutest norwegian babygirl. It was special to spend time with Mette and Lea. Taking our babies on a trolley-ride together. Very happy to meet Hanne and Iver too. Looking forward to watch our kids play together.

These last weeks has been nice and sunny and Lukas loves the beach!


At 2:37 AM, Blogger Grandma Judy said...

Oh, Lukas, You are growing up and loving everything that comes your way...cousins, friends, the beach, books, and toys. Grandma and Grandpa love these new pictures of you on the beach.


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